Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stress Of Nursing Leadership And Management - 1549 Words

Stress of Nursing Leadership and Management On a daily basis, everyone experiences stress. Stressful situation without making adjustments can effects your health and well-being. For example, I worked as a charge nurse and mostly as a RN supervisor. This job requires to use managerial skills as well as clinical expertise. The work environment of the skilled nursing facility was mostly short staffed, lack of resources, and overloaded. I, as a charge nurse, was expected to always be available, to be in control of all, and to serve as role models in the field. I was the most needed person for other nursing staffs and was demanded to make a mangier decisions frequently for an unexpected problem. In the overwhelming situations, I have experienced that the managing role sometimes comes as the huge stressor, and it impacts my ability of patient care and process of critical thinking. My experience with the stressful situation caused state of imbalance in myself and the response consisted both physical and emotional consequences in each step of my professional process. This paper will discuss the stress among the nursing in managing position who requires leadership, its negative impact, and a strategy to manage the stress. Nursing is well-known as one of most acknowledged stressful jobs. Beside of all the stress factors mentioned by nurses, charge nurses or nurses in managing position strongly experience higher stress level due to added accountability for leadership activity.Show MoreRelatedStress Of Nursing Leadership And Management1267 Words   |  6 PagesStress of Nursing Leadership and Management As a normal part of life, everyone has stress. Stressful situation without making adjustments can effects your health and well-being. For example, I worked as a charge nurse and mostly as a RN supervisor. 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