Tuesday, December 31, 2019

José Martí Cuban Poet, Patriot, Revolutionary

Josà © Martà ­ (January 28, 1853–May 19, 1895) was a Cuban patriot, freedom fighter, and poet. Marti spent much of his life as a professor, often in exile. From the age of 16, he was dedicated to the idea of a free Cuba and worked tirelessly to achieve that goal. Although he never lived to see Cuba free, he is considered the national hero. Fast Facts: Jose Marti Known For: Author, poet, and leader of the Cuban revolutionAlso Known As: Josà © Julià ¡n Martà ­ Pà ©rezBorn: January 28, 1853 in Havana,  Captaincy General of CubaParents: Mariano Martà ­ Navarro, Leonor Pà ©rez CabreraDied: May 19, 1895 near the confluence of the rivers  Contramaestre and  Cauto, MexicoPublished Works:  A mis Hermanos Muertos el 27 de Noviembre. Guatemala, Nuestra America, Inside the Monster: Writings on the United States and American Imperialism,  Our America: Writings on Latin America and the Cuban Struggle for Independence, On EducationAwards and Honors:  Namesake for major airport, roads, schools, and libraries.Spouse: Carmen Zayas BazanChildren: Josà © Francisco Pepito Martà ­Notable Quote: Do not bury me in darkness / to die like a traitor / I am good, and as a good man / I will die facing the sun. Early Life Josà © was born in Havana on January 28, 1853, to Spanish parents Mariano Martà ­ Navarro and Leonor Pà ©rez Cabrera. Young Josà © was followed by seven sisters. When he was very young his parents went with the family to Spain for a time, but it soon returned to Cuba. Josà © was a talented artist and enrolled in a school for painters and sculptors while he was still a teenager. Success as an artist eluded him, but he soon found another way to express himself: writing. At the age of 16, his editorials and poems were already being published in local newspapers. Jail and Exile In 1869, Josà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s writing got him in serious trouble for the first time. The Ten Years’ War (1868-1878), an attempt by Cuban landowners to gain independence from Spain and free Cuban slaves, was being fought at the time, and young Josà © wrote passionately in support of the rebels. He was convicted of treason and sedition and sentenced to six years of labor. He was just 16, and chains in which he was held would scar his legs for the rest of his life. His parents intervened and, after one year, Josà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s sentence was reduced but he was exiled to Spain. Studies in Spain Josà © studied law in Spain, eventually graduating with a law degree and a specialty in civil rights. He continued to write, mostly about the deteriorating situation in Cuba. During this time, he needed two operations to correct the harm done to his legs by the shackles stemming from his time in a Cuban prison. He traveled to France with his lifelong friend Fermà ­n Valdà ©s Domà ­nguez, who would also become an important figure in Cuba’s quest for independence. In 1875 he went to Mexico, where he was reunited with his family. Mexico and Guatemala Josà © was able to support himself as a writer in Mexico. He published several poems and translations and even wrote a play, Amor Con Amor Se Paga (â€Å"pay love back with love†), which was produced in Mexico’s main theater. In 1877 he returned to Cuba under an assumed name but remained for less than a month before heading to Guatemala via Mexico. He quickly found work in Guatemala as a professor of literature and married Carmen Zayas Bazà ¡n. He only remained in Guatemala for one year before resigning his position as professor in protest over the arbitrary firing of a fellow Cuban from the faculty. Return to Cuba In 1878, Josà © returned to Cuba with his wife. He could not work as a lawyer, as his papers were not in order, so he resumed teaching. He remained for only about a year before being accused of conspiring with others to overthrow the Spanish rule in Cuba. He was once again exiled to Spain, although his wife and child remained in Cuba. He quickly made his way from Spain to New York City. New York City Martà ­Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s years in New York City would be very important ones. He kept very busy, serving as consul for Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina. He wrote for several newspapers, published both in New York and in many Latin American nations, working basically as a foreign correspondent—although he also wrote editorials. It was during this time that he produced several small volumes of poetry, considered by experts to be the best poems of his career. He never relinquished his dream of a free Cuba, spending much time talking to fellow Cuban exiles in the city, trying to raise support for an independence movement. Death In 1894, Martà ­ and a handful of fellow exiles attempted to make their way back to Cuba and start a revolution, but the expedition failed. The next year a larger, more organized insurrection began. A group of exiles led by military strategists Mà ¡ximo Gà ³mez and Antonio Maceo Grajales landed on the island and quickly took to the hills, amassing a small army as they did so. Martà ­ did not last very long, however, as he was killed in one of the first confrontations of the uprising. After some initial gains by the rebels, the insurrection failed and Cuba would not be free from Spain until after the Spanish-American War of 1898. Legacy In 1902, Cuba was granted independence by the United States and quickly set up its own government. Martà ­ was not known as a soldier: in a military sense, Gà ³mez and Maceo did much more for the cause of Cuban independence than Martà ­. Yet their names have been largely forgotten, while Martà ­ lives on in the hearts of Cubans everywhere. The reason for this is simple: passion. Martà ­Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s single goal since he was 16 had been a free Cuba, a democracy without slavery. All of his actions and writings until the time of his death were undertaken with this goal in mind. He was charismatic and able to share his passion with others and was, therefore, a very important part of the Cuban independence movement. It was a case of the pen being mightier than the sword: his passionate writings on the subject allowed his fellow Cubans to visualize freedom just as he could. Some see Martà ­ as a precursor to Chà © Guevara, a fellow Cuban revolutionary who was also known for sticking stubbornly to his ideals. Cubans continue to venerate Martà ­Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s memory. Havana’s main airport is the Josà © Martà ­ International Airport, his birthday (January 28) is still celebrated every year in Cuba, and various postage stamps featuring Martà ­ have been issued over the years. For a man that has been dead for more than 100 years, Martà ­ has a surprisingly impressive web profile: there are dozens of pages and articles about the man, his fight for a free Cuba, and his poetry. Cuban exiles in Miami and the Castro regime in Cuba even fought over his â€Å"support:† both sides claimed that if Martà ­ were alive, he would support their side of this long-running feud. Martà ­ was also an outstanding poet, whose poems continue to appear in high school and university courses around the world. His eloquent verse is considered some of the finest ever produced in the Spanish language. The world-famous song â€Å"Guantanamera† features some of his verses put to music. Sources Abel, Christopher.  Josà © Martà ­: Revolutionary Democrat. London: Athlone. 1986.The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. â€Å"Josà © Martà ­.†Ã‚  Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 7 Feb. 2019.Editors of the New World Encyclopedia. . New World EncyclopediaJose Marti.

Monday, December 23, 2019

What Is A Policy And Its Purpose - 820 Words

What is a Policy and Its Purpose? The basic definition of policy is â€Å"a definite course of action adopted for the sake of expediency, facility, etc.† In terms of an agency it would be a set of rules or ways of doing things that the agency must follow to comply with the mission of the facility. Social Policies are looked at as â€Å"collective responses to perceived social problems.† There are three ways in which policies are looked at and responded to. The first way is that they are looked at as things to help solve problems. An example of this would be Social Security. The second way to look at it is that policy can be used to ameliorate a problem without there being a concrete resolution to the problem. Two examples of this includes child welfare and welfare policies. Lastly, the can be presented in a way that aims to avoid the problem all together. An example of this would be a lack of national health insurance. A lot of the time policy is looked at as dealing with regulation of benefits to people who are â€Å"in need.† They are also looked at as â€Å"principles, activities, or frameworks† which are there to make the most of the well-being of a community or an individual. The purpose of policy is to make sure that the needs of the agency and those that make use of the services are being met. What Normally Accompanies a Policy How Often Should a Policy Be Reviewed/Updated? The thing that normally accompanies a policy would be a social problem. It starts off with a social problem.Show MoreRelatedWhat Is The Purpose Of The National Environmental Policy Act832 Words   |  4 PagesThe National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is an environmental law that ensures the improvement of an environment. Firstly, the purpose of NEPA is to determine what requirement must be addressed. Secondly, alternative ways of meeting the need should be identified. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Which season is your favorite Free Essays

Which season is your favorite? Why? Would have to say that summer is my favorite season of all. First off, it means that school is out and can do whatever I want. Next, it means that there are more daylight hours to enjoy. We will write a custom essay sample on Which season is your favorite or any similar topic only for you Order Now And thirdly, summer is a time to enjoy being outside in the warm sunshine. Summer is my favorite season of all because of these reasons. First of all, summer is when school is out and can spend all my time playing both outside and in. My parents encourage me to get out in the sunlight as much as possible and this is fine since my friends ND through the woods outside our neighborhood. Of course, it rains quite frequently in the summer as well, so we usually try to hang out in one another’s houses. We always have a great time together in the summer, because we have all the time we need to have fun. Another thing that makes summer my favorite season Of all is that there’s more daylight hours to enjoy. The sun stays out longer, usually sometime after eight in the evening. This means that there’s a lot more lay and get a suntan, so long as I don’t do it for too long, don’t want to get burned. The sun is the reason why we go out and it just means we can be out longer during the summer. The last reason is that it’s the warmest time of year for us and we don’t get very much warm weather where we come from. For most of the year, its usually cool and wet or cold and icy. We only have three months of reprieve from the chill and wet and that is summer. When my neighbors and want to celebrate the summer, we go out, have barbecues, or just sit and talk outside. This is a good thing to do at night, when the heat of the day lingers in the night air. So the warmth of he summer air is a rare treat for us and we relish It when it comes around each year. So summer is my favorite season of all because it’s the time of year that really puts together everything I like to do and experience. There’s no school in the summer so we can really have all the fun we want during the day. There’s more daylight during the day so there’s more day to enjoy. And the warmth of summer is something we only have a limited time to enjoy throughout the rest of the wetter, colder parts of the year for us. That’s why summer is my favorite season. How to cite Which season is your favorite, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Accounting For Cost and Control-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Questions: 1.What is the purpose of Management Accounting reports? Give examples 2.What is meant by the control function of management accounting? 3.What four purposes of product costing are identified in chapter 1 of your text? Give examples 4.a. Recording labour costs involves two interlocking double entries, reflecting the two aspects of labour costs to be accounted for. Explain. b. Should overtime payments be treated as direct labour, or as overhead? 5.Prepare Materials Control T-account to record these transactions and to determine the balance of Materials Control on 1 June. 6.Prepare a business report outlining the traditional costing system and evaluate arguments for and against ABC. Answers: 1.Purpose of management accounting reports: Means of communication: Management reports are used for upward communication. It is made for use by internal users. Examples are management, government agencies, creditors and many more uses the report to know about inside condition of organization (Garrison, et al., 2010). Record for future: The reports provide valuable and significant information that can be used as reference in future. Due to this data is collected with maximum care to become source of information in future. Prepare budget: Managers analyse departments performance in order to control cost. The managers prepare budget in order to estimate expenses and income over a future period of time. A manager also uses these reports to provide incentive and increment to its employees. From budget reports analysis for future goals and budgets is prepared. Inventory process efficiency: Companies having physical inventory system uses managerial accounting reports to keep their manufacturing process effective. The reports prepared shows the labour hour wasted, overhead cost and many more which helps company to analyse profitable department and areas needing improvement. 2.Control function of management: Controlling as function of management is of significant value in business organization. It assures of the actual state of business condition is parallel to expectation. It also gives the exact data needed for effective decision making process and maintaining healthy state of business (Granlund, 2011). Controlling function is used to offer timely encourage and key to manage people in business. Control is not restricted to decide if the plans are being inclined to, yet it also prompts recognizing the reasons of deviations and to take remedial practices accordingly. It is the process by which actions are directed to produce better results and ways are improved to promote outcomes. Controlling also eliminates the obstacles resent and upcoming in path of business. It has great uses on areas which require immediate action. Controlling is also targeted at effectiveness, efficiency and better outcomes. Controlling can lead an organization to survive in difficult time, attain sustainable deve lopment and many more. 3.Purpose of product costing: Reporting to organization: It refers to business effectiveness in monitoring expenses through product cost and inventory control. The accuracy in product costing helps increasing correctness in variable costing (Fisher Krumwiede, 2012). This also helps in administering the matching principle, combining cost to value, and creating value of business. Financial accounting: Product costing helps in decision making in financial statement. It mainly involves return on investment and profit earning capacity for an organization. For example variable costing is used to know the expenses that vary with changing level of output and profitability of contract can be determined. Hence product costing acts as a decision making tool for these decisions. Cost management: It refers to development of new products. When an organization is planning to enter into new product line or innovate some of existing products then product costing act as a valuable resource. This allows business to add some specific cost not only in product but also to material, labour and many more to enable accurate calculation of product cost. Managerial accounting: Product costs are those which are necessary to produce a product. Product cost composes of direct material, production overhead and direct labour cost (Wyatt Frick 2010). It also helps in determining actual expenses incurred during a period for manufacturing a product. After knowing a product cost, sale prices and future profit can easily be estimated. 4.aTwo aspects of labour costing: Recording liability and distributing labour costs: In this labour cost will recorded as business liability. It allows flexibility to manage the allocation of payroll expenses among different departments. It also can be assigned to special project and determine profit. It gives the idea where the department is lacking due to labour control measures and decide which department is giving result. Payment of labour: During payment of labour direct labour A/c is debited and cash A/c is credited. 4.bOvertime premium treatment: Overtime premiums is considered as direct labor costs, if it is at the specific request of a client because they want a job to be finished in lesser time the process usually takes (Hart Ma, 2010). Because where overtime is worked on some specific requirement to meet urgent target for which customer paid extra money as well. Then complete labor cost is charged as direct labor cost. Overtime premium as overhead cost: Overtime is calculated at overtime rate for employees working extra hours. For example if a worker is working 49 hours a week @7 per hour and for some particular week he works for 56 hours then company pays @ 14 per hour for extra hour worked. The allocation of cost will be: Direct labor: (56x7) 396 Manufacturing O/H: (7x7) 49 Total cost: 445 5.Journal entries Material Account Date Particulars Debit Credit Balance Dr./Cr. 30-Jun Balance 20000 20000 15-Jun purchases 90000 110000 20-Jun Issued to production 50000 60000 22-Jun indirect material cons. 30000 30000 01-Jun Balance Dr.30000 6.Introduction The Activity Based Costing Analysis is an analytical method of inventory control which target at centralising efforts on items which require attention. The purpose of using ABC analysis is to generate policy framework for selective control (Hadi-Vencheh, 2010). The following framework is established to distribute items under different categories: Stricter control over items which require attention by store and purchase management. Items under category A are of huge consumption value, requires control, frequently ordered and for which weekly statements are prepared. The B classs is for medium use items. It shows 35% of total stock, which account for yearly 15-20% of overall material consumption. It requires moderate control, lesser safety stock, control on obsolete items and surplus items. Items uses easier system designed to cause lesser problem to purchase and stores department (Teunter, Babai Syntetos, 2010). It requires lowest consumption value and accounts for approximately 50% of inventory. Arguments for ABC analysis: It guarantees authority over the expensive things in which a lot of capital is contributed. It helps in creating logical technique for controlling inventories. Administrative expenses are extensively diminished and stock is kept up at ideal level. Asset allocation with ABC examination is a consistent procedure requiring intermittent following of class A things. Since these things are of most extreme esteem, the stock level should dependably line up with the client request. The organization should select items which are of huge value to customers and have highest interest. In preview of that knowledge Company can reconstruct the cost of those important items by considerable amount. Result of this will increase the profit of company by considerable amount. Arguments against ABC analysis: It is not powerful if the material is not arranged into the groups appropriately. It is not possible for an organization where the expenses of materials don't differentiate with considerable amount. The analysis depends on money related estimation of the things being used. Other critical elements one disregarded. As B and C items are not of much value, in ABC analysis makes companies to pay very less attention to lower value inventory and risk of loss arises. As no attention is paid on C group items and if stock ended then production process may halt due to undersupply of lower value items. Conclusion: Under this framework, the materials supplied might be ordered into various classes as indicated by their significance. It is built on the concept that a tiny number of things in stores critically take the huge money value of the total materials used in production process. While generally substantial huge number of things may show a less amount of the cash estimation of inventory stores utilized. It is vital system of inventory control. It helps organization to takes inventory issues seriously and invest time to manage inventory with effective measures. Recommendations: ABC analysis requires more resources than traditional inventory management and it does not meet the requirement as per GAAP. So companies with large capital and stock are unable to use. Thus its available for use by small companies. References: Fisher, J. G., Krumwiede, K. (2012). Product costing systems: Finding the right approach.Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,23(3), 43-51. Garrison, R. H., Noreen, E. W., Brewer, P. C., McGowan, A. (2010). Managerial accounting.Issues in Accounting Education,25(4), 792-793. Granlund, M. (2011). Extending AIS research to management accounting and control issues: A research note.International Journal of Accounting Information Systems,12(1), 3-19. Hadi-Vencheh, A. (2010). An improvement to multiple criteria ABC inventory classification.European Journal of Operational Research,201(3), 962-965. Hart, R. A., Ma, Y. (2010). Wagehours contracts, overtime working and premium pay.Labour Economics,17(1), 170-179. Teunter, R. H., Babai, M. Z., Syntetos, A. A. (2010). ABC classification: service levels and inventory costs.Production and Operations Management,19(3), 343-352. Wyatt, A., Frick, H. (2010). Accounting for issnvestments in human capital: A review.Australian Accounting Review,20(3), 199-220. Yu, M. C. (2011). Multi-criteria ABC analysis using artificial-intelligence-based classification techniques.Expert Systems with Applications,38(4), 3416-3421.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Lotus Essay Example

The Lotus Essay That would of flowers be undisputed queen, The lily and the rose, long long had been Rivals for that high honour. Bards of power Had sung their claims. The rose can never tower Like the pale lily with her Juno mien But is the lily lovelier? Thus between Flower fractions rang the strife in Psyches bower. Give me a flower delicious as the rose And stately as the lily in her pride- But of what colour? - Rose red, Love first chose, Then prayed, No, lily-white, or both provide; And Flora gave the lotus, rose red dyed And lily white, queenliest flower that blows. Explanation 1: Toru Dutt is one of the famous Indo-Anglican poets. Most of her poems have an Indian theme and an Indian background. The poem, ‘The Lotus’ is a sonnet in the Petrarchan type. Toru Dutt’s mastery over the sonnet form is proved in this poem. The sonnet is divided into two divisions, the Octave and the Sestet. The octave consists of eight lines and the sestet consists of six lines. A sonnet deals with a single idea, the octave proposing and the sestet resolving. Within 14 lines of the sonnet, Toru Dutt raises a problem in the Octave and resolves it in the sestet. In this poem, Toru Dutt presents the idea that the Indian Lotus is the most beautiful of all flowers. For a long time, Lily and Rose had been fighting for the title ‘Queen of flowers. ’ Each flower with its own support from poets, claimed for the title. At this time, God of Love came to Goddess Flora asking for a flower, which would be the unchallenged queen of flowers. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lotus specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Lotus specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Lotus specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She wanted for a flower, which was stately as the Lily and as delicious as the Rose. Goddess Flora gave God of Love the lotus flower and resolved the long standing quarrel between Lily and Rose. Great poets supported the flowers according to their wish, and some poets even raised the doubt if the lily was beautiful than the rose. Lotus combines the redness of the rose with the paleness of the lily. Goddess Flora created Lotus, which was both rose red and lily white. One more thing to note is that the lotus is a flower of significance both to Indian and the Hindu religion. We can understand Toru Dutt’s affection for an Indian flower and also she wanted to establish the superiority of Hindu religion over other religions in the world. As Toru Dutt was brought up and educated abroad, she always turned to classical mythology to establish her stand. Explanation 2: The poem, The Lotus is a sonnet in the Petrarchan type. Toru Dutts mastery over the sonnet form is proved in this poem. The sonnet is divided into two divisions, the Octave and the Sestet. The octave consists of eight lines and the sestet consists of six lines. A sonnet deals with a single idea, the octave proposing and the sestet resolving. Within 14 lines of the sonnet, Toru Dutt raises a problem in the Octave and resolves it in the sestet. In this poem, Toru Dutt presents the idea that the Indian Lotus is the most beautiful of all flowers. For a long time, Lily and Rose had been fighting for the title Queen of flowers. Each flower with its own support from poets, claimed for the title. At this time, God of Love came to Goddess Flora asking for a flower, which would be the unchallenged queen of flowers. She wanted for a flower, which was stately as the Lily and as delicious as the Rose. Goddess Flora gave God of Love the lotus flower and resolved the long standing quarrel between Lily and Rose. Great poets supported the flowers according to their wish, and some poets even raised the doubt if the lil y was beautiful than the rose. Lotus combines the redness of the rose with the paleness of the lily. Goddess Flora created Lotus, which was both rose red and lily white. One more thing to note is that the lotus is a flower of significance both to Indian and the Hindu religion. We can understand Toru Dutts affection for an Indian flower and also she wanted to establish the superiority of Hindu religion over other religions in the world. As Toru Dutt was brought up and educated abroad, she always turned to classical mythology to establish her stand.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Discourse Organization on Asian Fashion Blogs Essay Example

Discourse Organization on Asian Fashion Blogs Essay Example Discourse Organization on Asian Fashion Blogs Essay Discourse Organization on Asian Fashion Blogs Essay Essay Topic: Blog Background of the study Blogging has emerged as one of the most popular forms of online discourse. The ease and lack of expense in setting blogs has raised intriguing possibilities for language learning in social media. The unique nature of its architecture and its low cost have not only affected how different bloggers can publish and distribute their work to a wider audience but also how they see themselves as writers.According to Blood (2002), blogs have been used in various ways: as online journals, a means of designing hypertexts, and more radically, to create what calls the first native form of discourse on the internet. She argues that blogging best reflects the dream of Tim Berners-Lee (2000), who was one of the principal designers of the World Wide Web, to make the Web into something truly interactive both in terms of how texts are read and how they can be easily posted and accessed.The growing interest in blogging has aroused the interest of English as a Second Language and English as a Foreign Language fashion bloggers who see blogging as a simple and low cost way of giving readers an access to publishing, advertising and distributing their writings on the internet as a method of providing them with the experience of writing in a digital format, and as a means of discussing issues related to their social and personal lives. According to Fleishman (2002), blogging is the art of turning ones own filter on news and the world into something others might want to read, link to, and write about.The openness can give the bloggers a greater sense of the variety of possible audiences they can reach, both for understanding these audiences and learning strategies to respond to them. These types of on-line discussions have been referred to as gated communities (Lowe amp; Williams, 2004). With regards to world Englishes, Kachru (1992) conceived the idea of three concentric circles of the language. The inner circle represents the traditional bases and is composed of native speakers of English (e. g.United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Anglophone Canada and South Africa, and some of the Caribbean territories). The outer circle includes countries where English is not the native tongue but they use it as a second language (e. g. India, Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong) while those that belong to the expanding circle are the rest of the world where English is used as the primary foreign language (e. g. Russia, China, Japan, Korea, Egypt, Indonesia etc. ). This idea has helped to classify the eight Asian countries that will serve as the subject in this study on how they use English as a language.Kaplan (1966) claims that English writing is characterized by directness and deductive reasoning, while other languages (e. g. Oriental languages and Arabic) favor indirectness and inductive reasoning. At the same time, he attempts to link the differences in discourse organization between English and other languages to their respective cultures and thought patterns. He marked the birth of the notion now known as Contrastive Rhetoric. It assumes that different languages had their own specific and culturally bound conventions and patterns of writing.This may also tell if there are such characteristics in Asian fashion blogs. Moreover, with regards to each Asian blogger’s writing style, contrastive rhetoric should also be considered. Contrastive rhetoric is an area of research in second language acquisition that identifies problems in composition encountered by second language writers and, by referring to the rhetorical strategies of the first language, attempts to explain them. As summarized by Connor (1997), some internal and external forces give rise to this change in perspective.The internal force comes from criticism of contrastive rhetoric, which has required it to go beyond traditional linguistic parameters of analysis to consider discursive features, processes and contexts of writing. The external forces come from new developments in discourse analysis and changing focuses in first language composition research. To enrich further the structure of each blog, genre analysis will also be considered. This may identify if fashion blogging belongs in a specific genre by studying how the ESL and EFL bloggers use the language when writing.The focus of this study is on the discourse organization of Asian fashion blogs. Considering their writing style, comparing the blogs of these particular Asian countries that are categorized into two groups will be done throughout the study. Statement of the problem This study aims to a nswer the following questions: 1. What are the structures of a fashion blog? 2. What are the similarities and the differences between the fashion blogs of ESL and EFL writers? Significance of the study College students of English Language Related ProgramsKnowing that blog can also be studied as it is a part of our social world, this study can still be given more attention by giving further enrichment by the future researchers. They can provide new findings supported by different related literatures. As the traditional way of analysing language data from academic institutions, this paper will thoroughly investigate the language used in fashion blogs. This will further explore the online discourse by plunging into the grounds of computer-mediated-communication (CMC).Researchers in the Field of Linguistics This research paper will be able to support future research papers that are related to discourse analysis, world Englishes, contrastive rhetoric and genre analysis. As most of us tod ay enjoy the web 2. 0 which includes blogging ( slideshare. net/mcbuzz/blogging), it challenges the researchers to become more analytical in their field. As language researchers move forward by conducting thorough investigations, there will probably be new ideas that will be contributed to the field of Linguistics.Teachers and Professors of Language The study on contrastive rhetoric among students has always been limited to the doctorate material for pedagogical purposes which is believed to limit learners’ ability to express themselves. The paper will further explicate the online discourse specifically fashion web logging which has been considered as one of the tools to express oneself in social network. This would provide enough knowledge to expand the language teachers’ repertoire in different writing styles. BloggersWhether these people are in different forms of blogging, this study may inform them how important language is. In fashion blogging, it is inspired with different marketing strategies boxed with pictures that are inviting, description of every detail of it and stories experienced by the blogger. Also, they may be informed that this style of marketing includes certain rhetoric in it. Furthermore, this style of writing can be one of the factors of the increasing subscribers and viewers. A. Scope and LimitationWith the number of studies about the circularity and linearity among the ESL and EFL argumentative essays, court proceedings, business letters and newspapers, this paper focuses on the discourse organization of Asian fashion blogs. The study will only look into the structure of a fashion blog and to identify the differences and similarities of ESL and EFL writers. The EFL countries are Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia and Thailand and the ESL countries are India, Singapore, Philippines and Hong Kong. These countries are only limited for each group. B.Definition of terms Blog is another term for web log, a social networking site ( s lideshare. net/mcbuzz/blogging) of discussion or information site published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries (posts) typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Usually, it is being used as an online journal (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Blog). EFL stands for English as a foreign language and pertains to how speakers use English for limited utilities, for example, for research references and sign boards.The countries that belong to this group are Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia and Thailand while, ESL stands for English as a second language and refers to English speakers who could speak it intensely and intimately. In Kachru’s concentric circles, this group encompasses the countries that were colonized by the Western countries such as India, Singapore, Hong Kong and Philippines ( Kachru and Nelson, 2006). Web 2. 0 is a concept that takes the network as a platform for information sharing, interoperability, user- centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web (http://dictionary. reference. om/browse/weblog). CMC stands for computer-mediated communication, such as online chatting, online forum, discussion group and others. Contrastive Rhetoric assumes that a person’s L1 and culture influence his or her writing in L2 (Kaplan, 1966). References: Internet We’ve got blog: How weblogs are changing our culture. Retrieve on 07/18/2012 from amazon. com/Weve-Got-Blog-Weblogs Changing/dp/0738207411. The web: The original design and ultimate destiny of the World Wide Web. Retrieve on 07/18/2012 from amazon. com/Weaving-Web-Original-Ultimate-Destiny/dp/006251587X.Web Discourse Hits Higher Level. In We’ve got blog. Retrieved on 07/18/2012 from http://blog. lib. umn. edu/blogosphere/. Cultural thought patterns in inter-cultural education. Language Learning, 16, 1–20. Retrieve on 07/20/2012 from zhupinfan. com/5310/Kaplan. pdf. Blogging 101: An Introduction to Blogs and Web 2. 0. Retrieved on 08/20/12 from slideshare. net/mcbuzz/blogging-101-introduction-to-blogs-and-web-20-presentation. The American Heritage ® Science Dictionary. Published by Houghton Mifflin. Retrieved on August 28, 2012 from http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/weblog.Book Kachru and Nelson. 2006. Asian Englishes Today:World Englishes in Asian Context. Aberdeen: Hong Kong University Press Kachru. 1992. Teaching world Englishes: The Other Tongue English across Cultures. Illinois:University Illinois Press. Connor . 1996. Contrastive rhetoric: Cross-cultural aspects of second-language writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Theoretical Framework This study is supported with the three approaches namely Discourse analysis, Genre analysis and Contrastive Rhetoric. Limited to these three approaches, the study may be given emphasis and explained further.Discourse analysis originated from Greece. The term was formally from paper of Zelling Harris in 1952. It is the ter m of approaching to analyze communication of written, spoken discourse or speech acts in any kind of route of people use in discourse system. It refers to discussion or lecture of text but it is not only defined on texts. Also, discourse analysis is not only a sentence of discourse but also defined words, prepositions and speech acts of conversation and communicative events. According to Guy Cook (1992), it is not concerned with language alone. It also examines the context of communication.Since conversation is not possible to speak or listen alone, it needs to be interacted. To need discourse analysis is that the discourse organization is the way to shape and understand to know our speaking habits, thoughts. When people have conversation, even if there is same meaning of sentence, there is different affect through how speaker speaks. Discourse is based on the person’s cultural affects. According to Lilie Chouliaraki (2008), culture is constituted by the resources of meaning- making, language and image. For example, South Korea and North Korea have separated since 1945.There were already different cultures. Even in language. The sentence, il upda. ’ When person suggest to do something, North Korea say that it means, It’s fine. ’ But, for South Korea say that it means, It’s none of your business. ’ So, cultural affects of language is also important part of discourse analysis. As Swales (1990) defined genre analysis, it studies the language used in a particular setting: in rhetorical styles, discourse types and others. Also, it relates a particular research in discourse analysis for instance, to a specialist area of language.In academics and in research, this theory explains further its importance especially in studying the spoken and written discourse. Furthermore, the development of a student’s communicative competence and the shaping of language research can be attained through a genre based approach. Remarkable analysis of moves or functional sections in academic researches was also brought out. Genre analysis, according to Miller (1984), is the study of a discourse type of text where it is recognized through its characteristics, style or form.Swales (1990) added that genre analysis also focuses on the purpose of why such discourse type was written. Genre analysis embraces a range of tools and attitudes to text, forms detailed qualitative analysis of a single text to more quantitative counts of language features. Sometimes researchers work with a single text, either because it is inherently interesting or because it seems representative of a larger set of texts or particular genre (Patridge,2010). According to Kaplan (1966), English writing is characterized by directness and deductive reasoning, while other languages (e. . Oriental languages and Arabic) favor indirectness and inductive reasoning. At the same time, he attempts to link the differences in discourse organization between Engli sh and other languages to their respective cultures and thought patterns. He introduces the birth of what we called today as Contrastive Rhetoric. He explains that contrastive rhetoric is an area of research in second language acquisition that identifies problems in composition encountered by second language writers and, by referring to the rhetorical strategies of the first language, attempts to explain them.In other words, it is the study of how a persons first language and culture influence his or her writing in a second language. However, Houghton and Hoey (1983) have argued It [contrastive rhetoric] needs to be inserted within a broader scheme, to include the theoretical as well. It has been too long confined to being a notion rather than a theory. The area of concern needs to be broadened to the degree that rhetorical elements in non-Western cultures from philosophical to cognitive issues which influence the formation of culturally embedded rhetorical styles may be explored and then introduced to English nor ESL writing teachers.The concept of contrastive rhetoric is too multifaceted and important to be treated from only the linguistic perspective. The one area of study which offers at least a partial solution to the problem posed by Houghton and Hoey is that of rhetoric and composition. In order to establish contrastive rhetoric as a field where various rhetorically related issues from other cultures are discussed, contrastive rhetoric scholars must endeavor to discover specific rhetorical and cultural assets which will explain why writing styles differ from culture to culture.References: a. Internet Vijay Bhatia. Continuum International Publishing Group. Copyright. Retrieved on 08/17/12 from http://books. google. com. ph/books . The Linguistics Encyclopedia. Retrieved on 08/17/12 from http://books. google. com. ph/books. Discourse Analysis as Organizational Analysis. Retrieved on 08/02/12 from lsadc. org/info/ling-fields- discourse. cfm. Contrastiv e Rhetoric: Cross-Cultural Aspects of Second-language Writing. Retrieved on 08/05/12 from http://catdir. loc. gov/catdir/samples/cam031/95009965. pdf.A Study of Contrastive Rhetoric between East Asian and North American Cultures as Demonstrated through Student Expository Essays from Korea and the United States. Retrieved on 08/05/12 from http://faculty. fullerton. edu/jcho/chapter1. htm. Toward Critical Contrastive Rhetoric. Retrieved on 08/05/12 from http://writingcenters. org/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Kubota_Ryuko_Critical-Intercultural-rhetoric. pd. b. Book Cook, G.. 1992. The Discourse of Advertising. London: Routledge Swales, J. M.. 1990.. Genre analysis : English in academic and research settings.Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Patridge B.. 2010. Continuum Companion to Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. London:Continuum International Publishing Group Conceptual Paradigm Asian Fashion Blogs Discourse Analysis Genre Analysis Contrastive Rhetoric ESL India Hong Kong Singapore Philippines EFL Malaysia Indonesia Cambodia Thailand The diagram shows the flow of the study. The arrows connect the subject which is the fashion blog to the EFL and ESL speaking countries. There are four chosen countries each to represent EFL and ESL writers. The four countries hat represent EFL writers are Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia and Thailand and the other four countries that represent ESL writers are India, Singapore, Philippines and Hong Kong. Each blog will be analyzed through discourse analysis, genre analysis and contrastive rhetoric. In order to answer the statements of the problem, the diagram above will have to be considered. Fashion blogs will serve as the subject in this study. The group chose web logs for they serve as a social community for those who want to share their ideas and styles with regard to fashion.Furthermore, it also serves as an interactive marketing site where the bloggers apply their own marketing strategies (Richardson, 2001). This stu dy will find out if fashion blog has a definite structure among the chosen EFL and ESL Asian blogs. Due to the spread, functions and dynamic status of English in the changing Asian contexts (Kachru et al, 2006), there may have been differences and similarities between the fashion blogs of ESL and EFL writers. The three major methods namely, Discourse Analysis, Genre Analysis and Contrastive Rhetoric will help to describe the discourse organization of Asian fashion blogs.The focus of this research is on how Asian fashion bloggers write, on how these bloggers use English on a specific setting which is web log and on what particular genre does each fashion blog belongs. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature The following related articles were gathered for the researcher to understand more what is being studied and to support the study that is being conducted. Kaplan (1966) compared the rhetoric and composition of students who were native speakers of English and ESL writers.According t o him, when he closely analyzed the composition of the ESL students, he realized that there were also differences when it comes to paragraph order and structures aside from grammatical or surface matters. According to Braine (2001) EFL writers have a higher quality of writing in traditional classes compared in a local area network. But other researchers (Biesenbach-Lucas, 2000; Gonzalez-Bueno amp; Perez, 2000; Gousseva-Goodwin, 2000; Kehagia amp; Cox, 1997; Perez, 2003) found out that there was no significant difference in writing neither in the quality nor the attitudes.The criticisms of traditional contrastive rhetoric on cross-cultural writing offer an alternative conceptualization for contrastive rhetoric. Contrastive rhetoric has an intellectual association with applied linguistics. As delineated by Pennycook (2001), critical applied linguistics aims to problematize as well as politicize the common understanding of second language learning/acquisition constructed by research an d instructional practices in such domains as language, text, pedagogy, and cultural difference. ReferencesWiley Online Library. Language Learning: A Journal on Research in Language Studies. Retrieved on 08/02/12 from http://onlinelibrary. wiley. com/doi/10. 1111/j. 1467-1770. 1966. tb00804. x/abstract. Eric Education Resources Information Center. A Study of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Writers on a Local-Area Network (LAN) and in Traditional Classes. Retrieved on 07/17/12 from eric. ed. gov/. Theoretical Foundations of Critical Contrastive Rhetoric. Retrieved on 08/02/12 from eric. ed. ov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini. jsp? _nfpb=trueamp;_amp;ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ730660amp;ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=noamp;accno=EJ730660 Chapter 3 Methodology This chapter presents how the data will be gathered, the sources where data will be gathered, a descriptive and a comparative analysis. 3. 1 Procedure This study aims to analyze the discourse organization of Asian fashion blo gs. The data will be gathered from the internet. The data from the top ten blogs for each Asian country will be gathered through the domains.These include the extensions on each blog site such as ph for Philippines, in for India, sg for Singapore, hk for Hong Kong. Considering the web traffic of each blog, the researchers will be able to know if the blogs belong to the top ten most visited blogs. Each Asian fashion blog post will be classified according to its writer. The top ten fashion blogs from the Asian countries that use English as a second language which are India, Singapore, Philippines and Hong Kong will be separated with the other top ten fashion

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Major Depressive Disorder Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Major Depressive Disorder - Assignment Example All messages, from one neuron to another, transmit through electrical impulses and move in one direction. While impulses emerging from the dendrites, they transmit to the cell body, further to the axon and then to adjacent neurons. Dendrites then notice messages from other neurons and carries signals forward. Axons are insulated by a myelin sheath made up of protein and fat essentially to prevent the short circuiting of messages (Kandel et al., 2000).The space between two neurons called synapse is filled with chemical called neurotransmitters. When an impulse reaches to a terminal button via axon, the terminal button releases a chemical known as neurotransmitter. Thus, neurotransmitters act as a carrier taking messages to a dendrite of a receiving neuron across the synapse. That means within a neuron messages transmit through electrical impulses while between the neurons communication takes place through a chemical mode. It is important to note that not all neurons receive the chemic al mode of communication and different kinds of neurotransmitter differ in their ability to fit at receptor site of neuron. That means communication can take place only when a neurotransmitter fits into a receptor site perfectly. When the message received by the neuron is of excitatory type then neuron fires from its resting state. Thus neurotransmitter is an important link between the person's nervous system and his or her behavior (Kandel et al., 2000). Different kinds of neurons conduct specialized jobs and the mirror neurons are one of them.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Music as a Means of Expressing Identity and Change in the Music Essay

Music as a Means of Expressing Identity and Change in the Music Industry - Essay Example The message conveyed in the music was not necessary false, but it was exaggerated in some manner (Whitfield). A typical example is L. Wolfe Gilbert who depicted â€Å"The levee, in old Alabammy†. It should be noted that the state is one hundred and fifty miles east of any levees. L. Wolfe Gilbert had some knowledge about the Black Sea because he was born in Ukraine, but he had no knowledge of the Mississippi River. Therefore, singing about the levee when he had no knowledge of any levee was a way of presenting imagination as truth, through music. Those who knew the levees, listened to his music, and identified with it, expressing their identity, a form of forgery it was. Another example of false reality is George Gershwin’s biggest hit, â€Å"Swanee† (Whitfield). The musician, George Gershwin, presented in his music, information about the Suwannee River as a reality, but this was a forged reality. This is because George Gershwin and his lyricist visited the Suwan nee River, only after their song had become so famous in the nation. This means that the two had no first hand experience or practical information about the Suwannee River, but they fantasised the information they sang about the river (Whitfield). That is why, during their visit to the river, they found the location not as impressive as expected, and were shocked on knowing the reality. Whoever who listened to the song, thinking that the artists knew the reality about what they were singing forged whatever the identity that s/he expressed about who s/he is. Nora Bayes produced soothing and famous hits such as ‘Shine On and Harvest Moon, but her song’s composer, Harry Von Tilzer was not a husbandman (Whitfield). The songs were used by listeners... This "Music as a Means of Expressing Identity and Change in the Music Industry" essay outlines interesting point of view on the music and purposes in which people use it. Also, it researches the music of the history and its development. The music industry has gone through several cycles of corporate consolidation and diversification since the late 19th century. Often these swings occurred in response to technological innovations or legal proceedings. There various moments of change that music has passed through, and such moments have had some effects on the sound of popular music. One such moment was the period when live performances lost their role in music. Initially, musicians performed their music live in clubs. The loss of the role of live performances in music led to led to the split of music genres. As a result, the use of discos where music was played in clubs became common. For instance, the Beatles made rock to be the most popular concert and album of their time (Wald). The making of rock the most popular concert and music of this time had a positive effect on the sound of popular music. There was more respect for popular music, as a result of this. It should also be noted that jazz music attained a widespread respectability as well, only after it had ceased to be a mainstream pop style. This is because he artists had capitalised on technological advancements to alter the beats of popular music. Later, due to technological advancements, rock music was separated from its rhythmic and cultural roots.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The ring - difference between western movies and eastern movies Essay

The ring - difference between western movies and eastern movies - Essay Example However, this has not stopped film industries, the world over, from remaking some of the famous films that once belonged to other cultures (Waseda 173). This paper will examine one such film, and bring out the relative differences between the cultures represented in both cases. In every film, and depending on where it comes from, there are different roles exhibited by every character. It is the producer’s/director’s task to identify these roles and place them in the film. Different cinematic beliefs exist in the film industry, and they assist in determining how every individual relates to the film being produced. Individual behavior and disparities in marriage unions may also be impacted by the manner in which these films capture the audience (Waseda 174). It is, therefore, fair to say that remaking a film that was based in another region may take time before it is fully accepted by the original owners. The Ring, a film that was originally produced and directed in the h eart of the Japanese culture, had a remake from the American film industry based in Hollywood, USA. It is a well-known fact that Japanese films are often done for domestic purposes, and do not have outside sales except for festivals. They are often rich in Japanese culture, history, and mindset. ... Hollywood, due to its American and international reach, may make the film a box office success. Japanese horror films are not the first to be raided by the Western film kings. In the recent past, French classics have also had the same problem as America made remakes of some of their films. American remakes threaten to take away any foreign influence that comes with their films. This is to display dominance over their counterparts who came up with the idea in the first place. The American content that is often displayed in these remakes is done with the aim of eliminating any native content that might have been present in the original film (Waseda 182). The national identities and integrity of different regions are being stolen through these remakes as times go by, and it is through advancement in technology that individuals are getting to realize how this is happening. Going back to the earlier mentioned film, The Ring, it is clear to see that in the Japanese culture, the fear, stren gth, and understanding of the supernatural is more ingrained. This is more than in some cultures, especially the American culture. So where or how did the adaptation of the film make its way to the western screen, and how well did it fit in with the audience? In the original film, the culture and spiritualization of the Japanese people was brought out in the film. However, in the Western adaptation, some of these elements were not present. This is because they do not take these spiritual and supernatural matters as seriously as other cultures. The western adaptation had a few cinematic elements than the original version because it was required to attract an American and global audience (Waseda 184). They, therefore, tried to make it more materialistic. In the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Interview Selection Methods

Interview Selection Methods Introduction Selection is the process of discovering the prerequisite and specifications of the job candidate in additional establish likely suitably for the work position. Selection have seven process to choose best person and qualified them for the job, actually selection needs a methodical come up to the problem of finding the good matched person for the work position. First selection method is interview, In hiring process last steps and the most important process is interview. It offers an idea about the company and actually interview is way to exchange information and approach to tentative conclusions about hiring one another. In interview can describe your experience and your skills and get some information an idea about what is happening with the company. important thing is an employer get some additional information about you that is not provided in your resume or in your cover letter, they looking for what motivates you and how u communicate with others if you are a manager or follower. Interviewee start evaluate the employer after while interviewer evaluates interviewee. interviewee must preparing before interview. This is best way to combat the interview nerves. Interviewee must know who you are meeting with and which format interview will be follow . Interviewers have many choice to choose from dissimilar style and methods of interviewing and they try to find out many information about a candidate , actually they want to find out the reaction of them in to the different situation . if candidate have extra information about company that could be have an effect on the result of the interview . we have many type of interview but important type of interview is Telephone interview Personal interview Behavioral interview Group or panel interview Video conference interview Normally company choose the telephone interview or personal interview and some time using behavioral interview. OneStop Bank Bhd use interview for select person for job position but selection method have different type of that can be useful for the onestop bank company , the important type of selection is Interview Psychometric testing Ability and aptitude tests Personality References In this case another than interview , Psychometric testing and Personality is useful for the onestop bank . also they can use this two kind of selection to qualified them for the work position. 1. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Interviews Interview have many different type but normally must of the company using three kind of interviewing. First one is telephone interview , employer call to eliminate applicants based on necessary criteria , they call u without an appointment . Second is behavioral interview , they will ask question , interviewee must describe how he/she has handled work related situations , this show to them your behavior , skills and personality. last one is personal interview or face to face interview , they will ask you about yourself and your experience . 1.1. Telephone Interview Telephone interview is very popular interview in the world, most of company using this interview because of low cost and very fast , company use telephone for most screening interview , telephone interview will also used for geographic obstacles ,or some time the candidates lives in another country or city . The fact is telephone interview is the formal method of interviewing , if candidate`s ability to sense delicate non verbal cues that can be challenging telephone interview . the important thing is interviewee must focused to tones of interviewer`s voice , also they must have pen and notepad to write important things or question . the three important advantages for interview is , first usually be contacted faster over the telephone than other method actually if they use computer for net telephone interview ,they can check the result twenty minutes after completing the interview. The second one is time and cost effective ,telephone interview most last about 15 to 20 min and also th e interviewer can test your communication skills and telephone technique. last one is interviewee don't need to dress up femoral or smarten up and also no need to spend time and money to go for interview.(Ben 2008) Telephone interview also have disadvantage , the first is interviewee can't see the reaction of interviewer actually they can't see interviewer to gauge their response . second one is , telephone interview is fast and they ask question very fast and interviewee don't have time to probably think about a question , and most of people are nervure of using telephone for interview , actually they are terrified when they using telephone for interview. (Jury and Kevin 2007) 1.2 Personal interview (face to face ) the most common interview method is personal interview, when interviewer in private office ask question face to face with the interviewee this called personal interview . personal interview is your opportunity to shine and you must show to employer why they must hair you . In this interview your dress up is important and also u must show your communication skills and your appearance is very important in personal interview . personal interview have three important advantage for interviewee and also for interviewer , first advantage is they can see your ability actually interviewer can feel your ability in different situation .(Mark Atrikson 2002) the second one is interview will be longer than phone interview because they can explain skills and ability with action and some people willing to talk longer in personal interview and last one is they can have ability to find the target population and also very expedient for the respondent. (Mark Atrikson 2002) Personal interview also have disadvantage ,first is usually cost more than other methods for them and actually also take time more than phone interview . second one is sometime stage fright for both of them i mean interviewer and also interviewee , because of that sometime change the subject to another subject is very hard for interviewer.(Cono .v,2006 december13) 1.3 Behavioral interview Behavioral interview focus on performance and experiences, actually a person`s specific past performances is very important in this interview. Interviewer ask for past behaviors and actins to draw conclusions about how they would perform in a similar situation in their organization, this kind of interview is very better than traditional interviewing format that just ask candidates concerning hypothetical. this type of interview stat with action or task/situation that will be useful for answering question . in this interview four point is very important they what to rate your experience so they looking for someone who`s creative , optimistic and leader and also a team player . In this interview u must remember your resume and must share your successful work experience with them .advantage of this interview is your accomplishment and past experiences is effect to the result and also in behavioral interview interviewers are trained to use what they can understand about candidates. behav ioral interview the candidate will do the work with more accurate.(Adam 2010) In behavioral interview sometime candidates lie to employer about behavioral and some past experience , they lie just because they know behavioral and past experience will effect to the result.(Adam 2010) 2. Other Selection Methods 2.1. Psychometric Testing Tests are a standard and scientific method used to gauge individuals mental capabilities and behavioral style, psychometric tests made for gauge candidates appropriateness for a role based on the require personality characteristic and ability actually psychometric use to measure of your knowledge , abilities , attitude or personality traits and they used psychometric test in commercial , academic and educational setting for centuries and their famous has go on to increase . In a worker selection setting, psychometric tests give the eventual insight into a applicants potential, providing a significant and highly valid prediction of that applicants skills, knowledge, and also ability and other characteristics of high-quality job performance. the majority psychometric tests are conducted online and sometime tests allow you to keep your answers and come back to complete the test at later stage. psychometric tests are extremely effective analyst of work performance in all position and pro cess and applicants come from all work levels, they are form entry level to chief executives . psychometric tests is one way to gather the information (ability , performance , skills .) from candidates, information and article looking at result of psychometric test and also what they gauge , and how employee can help you in both recruiting staff and developing you career. 2.2 Personality Profiling personality test is way to selection of measure the personality characteristic of candidates that are related to future work performance and an individual`s can affect their appropriateness for some position . personality tests usually measure of five dimension, first is emotional stability and also extraversion , agreeableness , openness to experience and conscientiousness. personality test don't have answer same like right or wrong and person may sifted through identifying particular behaviors that are better suited the work than other person . the important thing is the selection process clear on the characteristic requisite to do well in the work . the advantage is can reveal more information about candidate`s skills, performance and also ability , other point is they can identify interpersonal characteristic that may be needed for certain works. But applicant`s experience may have greater impact on work skills no in to the personality and also have cost for test and interpr etation of results . 2.3 Ability And Aptitude Tests Ability and aptitude test method is for testing your abilities, actually ability and aptitude test may cover a eight areas such as general intelligence , verbal ability , numerical ability , spatial ability , clerical ability , diagrammatical ability , mechanical ability , sensory and motor abilities . this test rating your ability and show your skills and performance is suitable for which position , normally this test may come with action or task . the good point of this test is u can show your specific ability and skills directly to employer . But this kind of test take cost time and money . the important thing in ability test is the applicants must mange time and also control a stress, because must of people a stress pressure them when they do the test . 3. Analysis 3.1.Analysis Of Interview As you know we have many kind of interview but 3 popular interview is telephone interview , personal interview ( face to face), and behavioral interview . telephone interview is popular interview other than personal interview and behavioral interview , now a day's most company in USA and UK and also Canada using the telephone interview because of low cost and time other than telephone interview and behavioral interview (most of big country use telephone interview because maybe applicants stay in different state and traveling cost will be high ) telephone interview compare to personal interview just have two good point cost time and money but personal interview can show the communication skill of interviewer clear than telephone interview because is face to face and actually sometime is better for interviewee to see who ask question and he/she can check reaction of interviewer when he/she answer the question or describe his/her ability and skills . But telephone interviewing have another unique advantage compare to face to face interview as well the possibility of computer driven questionnaire presentation and also don't have obvious disadvantages but comparing to behavioral interview . Behavioral interview is very useful than telephone interview and personal interview if they need the someone have past experience and performance, because of that company use this method when they need specialist. behavioral interview comparing to personal interview , take more time and cost . In the behavioral interview ask for specific same like past behavior or action because is related to your past performance and interviewer will rating your performance . normally company using personal interview if cost and time is very important for them they will use telephone interview and also if they want applicants with experience and past performance they will use behavioral interview . 3.2. Analysis of selection method In this case we have three selection method to analysis , for the first point ability and aptitude test focus in general intelligence and special ability but in personal profiling they force on your experience and your skills and ability test cover a ranges of area more than personality test , but in the personal test the more fuses on personal profile and your resume , your past experience . they use personal test for find special person for suitable of some post . different between personality test and ability test is they used personality test they want to find good person for right position and is related to your characteristic not in your ability , actually ability is important but they aren't focus on ability but in other hand psychometric test is mental measure test and actually psychometric test covers ability test and personal testing and psychometric test is more complete than the others , it cover ability and characteristic but some people believes psychometric test i s not very good because tests are statistically examined . But psychometric test is useful in a commercial , academic and educational. 4. Recommendations My idea as Human Resource Manager of Onestop bank Bhd is they must use personal interview (face to face ) because is more useful to find person with good skills for each job position , the reason is personal interview show us ability and commendation skills of applicants and also it will be useful for know about Appearance of them , actually we can see reaction of them when employer ask question and also responds action . this good because we can give them more time and they can explain about performance and skills of they can provide to us . In the selection method we can use ability test or personal test but I think personal test is better for onestop bank because bank need some employee with good skills , they can chose right person for each position because personal test focusing on characteristic and the bank can hair them for exactly suitable position. the personality test is fast and not higher cost .because of this things I think personality test is very good method onestop bank. 5. Conclusions

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Red Badge Of Courage :: essays research papers

Zack Andre RED BADGE OF COURAGE Red Badge of Courage Physical and emotional pain is what the tattered solider illustrates in the book. The tattered solider pain comes from all of the horrible things associated with war. Him going crazy brings emotional pain and the physical pain is brought on by the endu rances of war. "There was a tattered man, fouled with dust, blood and powder stain from hair to shoes, who trudged quietly at the youths side". The tattered solider also characterizes the toughness people can endear. Even through the harshness of war people will find something inside of them, overcome it and not let it bother them. The tattered solider goes out and lives through the tough endurance's of war but he finds something inside of him to live through it. The perfect solider is what Jim Conklin brings to the book. Jim never complains about war and fights as good as the next man. Many of the people look up to Jim because he is so strong willed. The regiments almost look up to Jim in a spiritual way find ing peace inside of them when they think of him. It is a tragedy when Jim dies because of all of the moral inspiration he gave the regiment. True to his character Jim dies a quiet and peaceful death not distributing any of the regiment. Wilson represents the two sides of human nature. In the beginning of the book Wilson is a mean tough guy that no one liked. This outward act of being tuff is just a cover of the true nature of Wilson. It is natural for people to cover their true natur e in front of new faces. Towards the end of the book Wilson starts to care about Henry. hen Henry is injured and he doesn't try and fight the other men anymore. True to human nature once times start getting more difficult and Wilson becomes more comforta ble with his surroundings he transcends into the calm compassionate person he really is.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mind/Body Problem Essay

The mind/body problem is the problem of specifying the relationship between the mind and body. Before further explanation of this issue, it is important to fully understand each term as it is being used throughout this paper. The mind, as I will call it, is representational of the consciousness of an individual. This is to say that the part of a person which determines will and choice, the experiences and sensations are collectively referred to as mind. The body, at times more specifically, the brain, denotes the physical aspects of a person. This is inclusive of the physical mass, neurons responsiveness to stimuli, and physical location. Now, with a more complete understanding of mind and body, one is able to return to the issue of the relationship concerning the two. One way to view this subject is to think of it as defining the relationship of mental states and brain (neural) states. While philosophers have not reached a definitive explanation to this issue, the years have provided ample time for a few prominent theories to develop. It may be thought that science could provide an answer to our problem, though this is not the case. While science may give us insight to different functions of brain states that correlate to mental processes, it does not definitely prove how they are related or why. This can be explained through the point of view perception. Science can give a clear understanding of how the brain functions; it can paint a rich picture of the inputs and outputs. Science may also have the ability to explain what feelings and emotions are. For example, it may be able to explain biting into a summer peach and describe the taste. However, science cannot experience the way a summer peach tastes to me, as an individual. It cannot feel the way I do whenever I think about my mother. This is the difference in the third person perspective (the only one that science is truly able to offer) and the first person perspective of the individual actually experiencing the situation. While it seems as though there is a causal relationship between the mind and body, meaning that the mind affects the body and the body has an effect on the mind, the question still remains as to how this interaction functions and why. It is at this point that philosophers provide different solutions to these questions. The dualist perspective offers that the mind and body are two completely distinct ontological entities, whether in composition, function, or interaction. Conversely, the physicalist argues that the mind and body are both explainable in physical terms because there is nothing more to this world than the physical aspects. This is to say that the mind is of the same stuff as the body because in fact, they are the same. The mind is simply a process of the physical brain. Frank Jackson utilizes a mind experiment in his writing, What Mary Didn’t Know to challenge this thought of physicalism. Jackson asks his readers to imagine a woman named Mary who is confined to a black and white room. She is taught through a black and white screen everything that there is to know about the physical nature of the world. According to physicalism, she knows all there is to know. However, one day Mary is taken outside of the black and white room. At this time, she will learn what it is like to see and experience the color red. According to Jackson, Mary learns something new; something above and beyond all of her physical knowledge of the world. If this is the case, that would result in the fact that there are some things in the world that are not physical things. Jackson’s argument may be structured in a way that clearly defines his point. Mary knows everything physical there is to know about other people. Mary does not know everything there is to know about other people. It follows that there are truths about other people that escape the physicalist’s story. Utilizing the knowledge argument, Jackson asserts that because Mary learned what experiencing the color red is like, that she learned something new and gained knowledge about something outside the physicalist’s argument. This, in Jackson’s perspective, discredits physicalism because if while in the black and white room Mary knows every physical fact, then she must know everything. However, by gaining a new experience and learning something outside of the room, then there are things that cannot be explained physically. Jackson argues that learning on a black and white screen isn’t enough to learn about mental life. It is not enough to learn about the qualia of experiences. These qualia refer to the individual qualitative feelings of an experience. For example, what tasting a ripe summer peach is actually like to experience. Therefore there must be something more to the story. Taking a different view, Colin McGinn offers his perspective on the mind/body problem in his writing, Can we Solve the Mind—Body Problem? McGinn suggests that no, we cannot solve the mind/body problem and therein lies our solution- that we should not be worried about this issue because we will never be able to solve it. McGinn maps out several reasons to support his conclusion. He begins by explaining why previous attempts of explanation have failed to clarify the mind/body problem. McGinn states that previous arguments use one of two tactics. The first is to resort to the use of supernatural means. McGinn says that this is just as â€Å"extreme as the problem†, meaning that proving this premise is just as difficult as the conclusion it is designed to support. Furthermore, he says that other arguments employ the use of explaining mental states through physical properties of the brain. This proves problematic as well. McGinn offers a different avenue, it is what he calls, cognitive closure. He believes that there is a natural explanation for the way in which the mind and body interact with each other but that we, as humans, are closed to its explanation. He proposes his argument in this way: Human minds are similar to biological bodies in which that they have different levels of capacity and cognitive capability. Even though a mind may not possess the cognitive ability to understand a concept, this would not imply that the concept is untrue. He uses the example of the light spectrum. While humans can only view a small portion of the light spectrum, it does not discount the other levels. The same principle may be applied here. Furthermore, an idea may be completely cognitively closed if there is no possibility of any mind being able to understand it. However, the same standard of its truth value remains. McGinn argues that the mind/body problem is an issue that is completely cognitively closed to humans. Therefore, no matter what advancements in science or technology that may occur, it will still never be enough to understand the mind/body problem. This should give humans some peace of mind. McGinn says that there should be not need to worry about solving an issue that can never be solved. Keeping McGinn’s paradigm of thought in mind, once again consider Jackson’s article, What Mary didn’t know. While Jackson seems to offer a strong argument, McGinn may object to it on the basis of his first premise. If the human mind is cognitively closed to certain levels of knowledge, then it is impossible for Mary to learn everything there is to know in her black and white room. In fact, it does not matter where Mary receives her learning, she will never gain complete knowledge. Her limit would reach the level of knowledge in which her brain is cognitively open to her. While it is true that Mary would have the knowledge of everything that humans could possibly understand; she still is not all-knowing. By denying Jackson’s first premise, it renders his argument invalid.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Cure for Cancer essays

A Cure for Cancer essays Over twenty different types of cancer have been found to exist in the world today. Cancer kills over thousands of people in the United States alone every year. The news constantly contains reports of the many different types of ways a human can get cancer. The main reasons one can get cancer are smoking, dietary factors, exercise, occupation, genetics, pollution, radiation, and even prescription drugs. Out of all the main causes of cancer obesity and smoking are the leading causes. Cancer affects a person when abnormal cells within a tissue of a certain part of the human body continue to divide out of control. Normal cells stop reproducing after about fifty cycles. Since many types of cancer exist, anyone at any age has a risk of being diagnosed. In an effort for people to speed up the process of finding a cure for cancer, people came up with urban legends and myths to preventing or getting rid of cancer. In the spring of 1999 many people began to believe that antiperspirants could cause cancer. The Canola oil, which is said to by scientists to be one of the healthier food oils, was also once rumored to be toxic and cancer causing. Many more rumors came about, but have all contributed in finding cures for cancer now. Whenever, a rumor about certain types of foods or activities circulates about causing cancer, a team of scientists, and doctors research the rumor in full extent. These scientists and doctors usually find that these rumors are false, but in some case add to the list of ways to prevent cancer. Numerous cancer experts now believe that the only real cure for cancer is taking as many steps possible to prevent it. One may wonder if cancer is a disease that travels through a family because of genes. The answer is that cancer will be more likely to occur in those who have close family members who have also had cancer. Breast and Ovarian cancer are the cancers that are most likely to be hereditary. A person...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Political theories of Hobbes essays

Political theories of Hobbes essays Once one considers the political theories of Hobbes and Rousseau it is apparent that Hobbes theory is far more optimistic in regards to human potential for civilization. Were Rousseau sees inherent inequality in man that apparently only increases when man enters civil society Hobbes believes man is inherently equal, and that is the basis of equality not inequality that leads man to enter civil society. Government and its laws provide for the security and well-being of men united in society, while literature, the sciences and the arts...strew garlands of flowers on the iron chains that bind them, make them forget the original freedom for which they seem to have been born, cause them to love their slavery, and turn them into what is known as a civilized people. For Hobbes the state of nature, war of all against all, gives birth to the state of man, power and pleasure seeking, which in turn gives birth to a state of government, a means of controlling man at war while still allowing individual advancement. Rousseau sees the chain of events a little differently. Rousseau although recognizes mans inclination towards self and self-preservation, does not see the state of nature with the same level of harshness as Hobbes. For Rousseau man is born in a natural state of freedom and it is through the formation of some sort of civil society that man develops an inclination towards self-satisfaction. It is only then through this social development that Rousseau sees the species of man falling into a sequence of degradation. Hobbes views the human person in an eight-part structure, material; man is a material body interacting with matter within the world, sensing; humans senses are the receptors of mater in the material world, radically individual; each human senses one form of matter different than another and thus our experiences are individually isolated, passionate; humans are fixated by pleasure and pain, po ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Quality Management (2) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Quality Management (2) - Essay Example In the gradual process that led to its eventual improvement and landmark accomplishments, AS had to address the following challenges to its operations: In finding solutions to the above problems, AS made effective use of quality strategic planning in linking its corporate objectives with customers’ needs. Guided by its long-term strategic goals, AS then modified its organizational structure, relying on teams to fuel productivity. Managerial support, sound incentive programs, and an over-all corporation culture of information sharing and integration has made AS succeed as a model in TQM application. Total Quality Management was formally introduced in the post-war era by W. Edwards Deming, Joseph M .Juran and Philip B. Crosby, with the theories they established on management for quality in manufacturing systems. Since then the tenets of TQM have been adopted for application in services and commercial operations. Companies have met with either success or failure, depending on the manner they have incorporated these principles in their processes. For the purposes of this study, focus will be drawn on Boeing Aerospace Support, a large multinational organization which, despite its size, complexity, and product technicality, has continued to serve its customers well, maintain excellent employee motivation, and enjoy a progressively robust performance. Boeing Aerospace Support (also known as AS) is a subsidiary of the Boeing Company, which in turn is the largest aerospace company in the world. Boeing Aerospace provides products and services, among them aircraft maintenance, modification and repair. It also undertakes training for aircrews and maintenance staff, in a bid to reduce life-cycle costs and improve the effectiveness and safety of their aircraft. A huge part – ninety-seven percent – of Aerospace’s business is for military customers. The company has a workforce of 13,000 employees; it has its headquarters in St. Louis,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Nigeria Kidnappings Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Nigeria Kidnappings - Research Paper Example On the other hand, in the Niger Delta, schoolchildren are also victims of kidnapping. Noting that Nigeria will soon have its elections, it is an indication that with the rise of criminal acts and insecurity there is a possibility that the elections will fail to be free and fare. In the recent years, the state of Abia has had a plague of kidnapping, acts of hijacking and robbery. The only way that Nigerian government has been doing to ensure that such cases are curbed is by negotiating with the kidnappers to get back the victims and also the security forces have been involved in putting up new strategies to conquer the pervasive issue of kidnapping. In addition, the police forces are being trained to enhance their knowledge and skills to decisively deal with the kidnappers across Nigeria (Omonijo, 2011).The governments have a tendency of blaming the pervasive kidnapping wave away from the Niger Delta as a result of the increasing rates of unemployment across the country. The African c ontinent is the challenge with kidnapping cases since the police force is ineffective and corrupt. Furthermore, the police forces are inadequately equipped to stem such crimes and the relationship that exists between the kidnappers and politicians as well. These elements, however, seem to be more signs of a wide malaise, for instance, pervasive kidnapping is a major symptom failed and failing country. This feature is common in countries which are failing or had failed like Columbia since 19770s to 200.